Fabrikanten & Manipulanten
An exhibition on the history of textiles in Eastern Switzerland
29.04.2017 – 20.03.2022
The exhibition is dedicated to the eventful history of the textile industry in Eastern Switzerland, which began in the Middle Ages. Ups and downs characterise the sector, which has been strongly export-oriented from the outset and always reacts sensitively to economic, social, political and technological changes. On the basis of selected representatives, various strategies for coping with economic crises are presented. One way of responding to the constantly changing demands of the market is to adapt and diversify the product range as operated by Baerlocher & Co. Other representatives of the textile industry in Eastern Switzerland, some of whom are still active today, prove that specialisation in certain techniques or fields of application can also be promising. In the context of historical and current developments, the different roles of those involved in the production process will also be examined, who are subject to the changing times as well as the entire branch of industry.
Fabrikanten & Manipulanten 360°
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