Furor floralis
26.08.2015 – 28.03.2016
Flower mania! Whether a flamboyant sea of flowers, a wild mass of tendrils or tenderly scattered blossoms; whether arranged as decorative posies or as stylised geometric ornaments: floral motifs have dominated textile designs from the Middle Ages to the present. With its garden of glorious flowerpatterned textiles, the “furor floralis” exhibition reveals the intriguing parallels between textile design and horticulture. The lavish arrangement from the museum’s own collection is complemented by selected costumes and textiles from a private collection as well as garden plans from the landscape architecture archives in Rapperswil.
In cooperation with
ASLA Archiv für Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur
ILF Institut für Landschaft und Freiraum, Fachbereich für Theorie und Geschichte der Landschaftsarchitektur
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil