Textile Museum Association

Since 1 January 2012, the Verein Textilmuseum St. Gallen has been responsible for the management of the Textile Museum. Its task is to secure and promote the museum’s long-term existence. To do this, it needs support from the entire population. The museum’s collections and also the textile library are deeply rooted in local industrial history and are of unique international importance. They deserve to be presented and cared for accordingly. The museum’s exhibitions and its educational programme aim to make it possible to experience sociological developments since the Middle Ages by means of textiles from a wide range of epochs and to facilitate access to the world of modern textiles with their highly developed technologies. Since its foundation in 1878, the Textile Museum has been concerned with aspects of design and its integration into the respective social environment. Thus the collections include outstanding objects from 1400 years of textile creation from all over the world, especially of course from Switzerland. On the basis of this textile memory, the Textile Museum aims to continue to spin the thread, not only in the service of professional designers, but of all those interested in history, technology and fashion. In order to fulfil its tasks, the Textile Museum needs broad support from the population, but also from the textile industry and from science. Both financially and socially. By becoming a member of the St. Gallen Textile Museum Association, you acknowledge the identity-forming significance of the St. Gallen Textile Museum and support its work, which opens a view into the past as well as into the future. Choose from the various forms of membership in the St. Gallen Textile Museum Society to find the one that suits you best.

Carmen Fleisch-Otten

Board of Directors

Carmen Fleisch-Otten

Tobias Forster
Honorary President

Roland Bentele
Heinrich Christen
Emanuel Forster
Peter Kriemler
Isabel Schorer
Matthias Tischhauser
Silvan Wildhaber

Annual Report

TM Report 2019
TM Report 2018
TM Report 2017
TM Report 2016
TM Report 2015
TM Report 2014
TM Report 2013
TM Report 2012

Thank you

AG Cilander
Bischoff Textil AG
Christian Fischbacher Co. AG
Filtex AG
Forster Rohner Gruppe
St. Galler Kantonalbank
Textilland Ostschweiz
Gabriele Thorbecke
Tisca-Tiara Stiftung
UBS Switzerland AG
VZ Vermögenszentrum AG